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Research recast(ed): S1E15 - That's so meta with Dr. Josh Toth

Faculty Advisor




metafiction, truth, postmodernism, film, music

Abstract (summary)

Today we talk a lot about the Matrix and Bob Dylan as we explore metafiction, truth and postmodernism through movies, films and even some music. Here to guide us, is Dr. Josh Toth, an Associate Professor of English at MacEwan University, whose work focuses on literary theory, film studies and contemporary American literature. Dr. Toth is particularly interested in books and movies that play with our expectations and force us to reconsider how we see the world and ourselves. A lover of books, he is also an author of books, including his two most recent: Truth and Metafiction: Plasticity and Renewal in American Narrative; and Stranger America: A Narrative Ethics of Exclusion, both of which we will discuss today.

Publication Information

Ekelund, B., & Cave, D. (Hosts). (2022, March). That's so meta with Dr. Josh Toth (Season 1, Episode 15) [Audio podcast episode]. In Research recast(ed). MacEwan University.



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