Assessing capacity in the complex patient: RCAT's unique evaluation and consultation model
Faculty Advisor
case management, client characteristics, psychological assessment, treatment planning
Abstract (summary)
This paper describes the development of a unique multidisciplinary patient capacity assessment team, the Regional Capacity Assessment Team (RCAT), which operates in the Calgary Health Region of Alberta. The goals of this paper are to provide a brief review of seminal models that influenced RCAT's development, discuss its ethical and theoretical underpinnings, and provide an overview of the RCAT approach to the completion of complex capacity assessments. The overview of the RCAT model will elucidate our multidisciplinary assessment algorithm, our consultation model, and describe our specialized assessment tools. This paper will be of interest to health care practitioners and administrators looking for a cost-effective, efficient, and clinically sound model for complex capacity assessments.
Publication Information
Pachet, A., Newberry, A.M., & Erskine, L. (2007). Assessing capacity in the complex patient: RCAT's unique evaluation and consultation model. Canadian Psychology, 48(3), 174-186. doi:10.1037/cp2007016
Item Type
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